
Fotoreisen und Fotoworkshops

Wenn du an den Foto-Workshops von Beat Dietsch teilnimmst, erhältst du nicht nur wertvolle Tipps zur Kameratechnik, sondern auch zur Nachbearbeitung deiner Fotos.

Während des Workshops führe ich dich Schritt für Schritt durch alle relevanten Aspekte der digitalen Fotografie. Angefangen bei der Wahl der richtigen Kameraeinstellungen, über die Wahl des passenden Objektivs bis hin zur Auswahl des perfekten Motivs. Auch die Nachbearbeitung deiner Bilder wird ein zentraler Bestandteil eines der Workshops sein.

Komm mit mir auf eine einzigartige Entdeckungsreise und erlebe die Faszination der Fotografie in anderen Ländern! Beat Dietsch ist ein Reisefotograf mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung.

Jede Fotoreise ist individuell auf die Bedürfnisse und Fähigkeiten der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer zugeschnitten. Ob du nun Anfänger oder fortgeschrittener Fotograf bist, ich helfe dir dabei, dein fotografisches Können zu verbessern und deine kreativen Grenzen zu erweitern.

Printed Media

Over the last two decades of traveling, I’ve captured countless stunning photographs. But for me, it’s not just about the pictures themselves — it’s also the fascinating stories and experiences that make my journeys truly special. Currently, I’m hard at work on two books, one of which has already been published and is available for purchase here!

Most of the landmarks in my 2023 calendar attract millions of people every year – including me. I’ve been traveling the world and taking photos at most of the major tourist attractions over the past few years. Of course, when I visit a city or location the first time, I do all the touristy stuff before going on adventures on my own.

Digital Media

This is a collection of eBooks that describe the photography workflow of Beat Dietsch. It all starts at the beginning with packing and getting prepared for a photo trip over composition to the whole photo retouching workflow.

My eBooks all come as a PDF – because of the simple fact that I need photos to explain what is meant. The photos and screenshots in the eBooks are simply underlining the theories about how I take photos and what I do to them.

When working with Adobe Lightroom, I kind of always change my style a little bit when trying out new combinations with the sliders. Sometimes these combinations are really working out pretty good on a lot of my photographs and with these, I created a bunch of presets for Adobe Lightroom.

Every bundle has not more than 15 presets with my RAW files so you can understand what settings and situation the photograph was taken at. Plus, every bundle has a short movie about a topic I ran into while post processing my photographs.

For years I have been using Photomatix Pro to create HDR photographs. The software contains a lot of different tools to enhance the photographs. I am talking about adjust saturation, reduce noise or more complex things like balance out bight and dark areas while preserving details of the photograph.

I made some presets to make the photos look realistic / decent and not like when I started photography, overcooked. My presets are developed for all style of photographs and are compatible with the software Windows and Apple of Photomatix Pro latest version.