Here is a free Lightroom starter package of a bunch of presets that I have created in different light and camera conditions. You need the subscription based and latest version of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to test them out. I took all the photographs you see here in Sweden – nice country to go to to start photography.
For the past 15 years I was travelling worldwide to take photos. I do not know what it is, but I just love taking photos – lately I started sharing my knowledge over on my blog and created Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC Desktop presets “Free Lightroom Starter Package” to give you ideas about retouching. I mainly use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to post process my photos. In certain situations, it makes sense to include HDR (High Dynamic Range) to the photo – then I use Photomatix Pro. See the other categories as well in case you feel like I can help you!
But for now, grab those presets and get started with digital retouching of your photos. The presets will give you an overview about processing photos in different light conditions.
NOTE: To use the presets, you have to run the latest version of the subscription based Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC . Grab the Adobe products here.